German-Japanese Colloquium on Frontiers of Laser Science

The Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, in cooperation with the Heidelberg Center for Quantum Dynamics, organizes a joint German-Japanese Colloquium on “Frontiers of Laser Science”. The symposium will explore recent developments in modern Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics and Quantum Optics with special emphasis on advances in fundamental science based on the application of lasers. Leading scientists from Japan and Germany will present and discuss their contributions to the field, opening new perspectives for ongoing or prospective scientific collaborations between both countries. The format of the symposium will be similar to the 2011 “Round Table on the Basic Natural Science”, also held at the IWH. For further information, please see the attached document on German-Japanese Science Colloquia.


Prof. Dr. Matthias Weidemüller
Physikalisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg und Heidelberg Zentrum für Quantendynamik
Im Neuenheimer Feld 226
69120 Heidelberg

Tel: 06221 54 19470


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